Home of the 2002 Sand Gnats Babe Ruth Baseball Club

Welcome to the inaugural season
of the Sand Gnats!

General Information



The "real" Sand Gnats are a Single A Minor League Team located in 
Savannah, Georgia, affiliated with the Texas Rangers.




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General Information

This is going to be a fun season. The rules and the size of the field this year, are essentially the same as professional baseball. The level of competition has greatly increased from Dixie Youth baseball, and much more is expected from each player. The players will learn more about baseball this season than they ever have before. Because of the many changes this year it is critical that ALL players attend ALL practices unless it is impossible. 

To be adequately prepared for each game, players need to arrive at the field early (15 minutes prior to 5:45 games and 30 minutes prior to 7:45 games). This time will be spent stretching, warming up, and for a pre-game team meeting. A player arriving late for a game will not be allowed to play until he has adequately stretched and thrown enough to warm up his arm, which means it is doubtful he would be in the starting line-up. It also means that the line-up and the rest of the team will be impacted.

Notify the Coach If...
...You are going to miss a game.
...You are going to be late for a game.
...You hurt...especially sore arms.

The coaches spend about 2 hours preparing for each game. This time is spent planning the game, creating line-ups, and reviewing player and team stats. Once a line-up is made and game time arrives, it is extremely difficult to make the changes without having an adverse affect on the game and the rest of the team. Please be fair and don't put the team in a position of not being able to follow the game plan and line-up or having enough players at the field to start the game. 

Thirteen year old bodies are changing rapidly. Most of these players have grown fast over the past year. Their muscles will be easily pulled and injured without proper warm up. We will not allow any player to play without warming up. We also will not allow a player to play hurt. If your son's arm hurts when throwing we need to know. This is a critical age in their development and serious damage can be done if a player, particularly a pitcher, plays hurt. 




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© 2002 Sand Gnats Babe Ruth Baseball Club
Sand Gnats Logo ® Trademark of Minor League Baseball and Savannah Sand Gnats